吕娟 副教授





名:吕娟                 别:女    

出生年月:198304           历:博士  





2007/07--至今:  新澳门新葡萄娱乐    讲师、硕导

2009/09--2014/09同济大学   环境工程博士 

2004/09--2007/03同济大学   环境工程硕士          

2000/07--2004/09湖南大学   环境工程学士    









Juan Lv, Na Li, Characterization of seven psychoactive pharmaceuticals as N-nitrosodimethylamine precursors during free chlorine and chlorine dioxide chlorination processes, Journal of chemical technology and biotechnology, 2019, 94:53-62.(SCI)

Juan Lv, Yongmei Li, Effect of ozonation on minocycline degradation and N-Nitrosodimethylamine formation, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 2018, 53(7):617-628.(SCI)

Juan Lv, Lin Wang, Yongmei Li, Characterization of N-nitrosodimethylamien formation from the ozonation of ranitidine, Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2017,58:116-126.(SCI)

Juan Lv, Lin Wang, Yongmei Li, Yun Song, N-nitrosodimethylamine formation from ozonation of chlorpheniramine: Influencing factors and transformation mechanism, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, 299: 84-594.(SCI, IF=6.393)

Juan Lv, Yongmei Li, Yun Song. Reinvestigation on the ozonation of N-nitrosodimethylamine: Influencing factors and degradation mechanism. Water Research, 2013, 47: 4993-5002.(SCI, IF=7.715)

Lv Juan, Chen Yin Guang, Gu Guo Wei. Characterization of nitrogen and phosphorus removal by a sequencing batch reactor. the Proceedings of  International Conference on Energy and Environment Technology, Vol.3, 2009.10 IEEE Computer Society Press, October 2009, pp230-233.(EI)

ZhangDao-fang, Huang Shan, LvJuan, Shi Chao-bin, Xu Zhi-hua. Research on nitrogen and phosphorus removal by modified zeolite associated with modified peat from micro-polluted scenic-water. the Proceedings of  International Conference on Energy and Environment Technology, Vol.2, 2009.10 IEEE Computer Society Press, October 2009, pp709-712.(EI)

吕娟沈静曹先仲李咏梅. 药物对A/A/O系统中NDMA及其总前体物去除的影响中国环境科学2015,5: 1335-1342.(EI)

吕娟,陈银广,顾国维.(AO)3SBR脱氮除磷试验研究.环境科学,2008,29(4):937-941. (EI)
