崔鹏义 副教授




E-mail: pycui@usst.edu.cn


所在单位: 我校

所在院系所: 新澳门新葡萄娱乐 环境工程系

通讯地址: 上海市杨浦区军工路516    邮政编码: 200093


2021820228西安交通大学 能源与动力工程学院进修访学

20109月~20169 同济大学 环境科学与工程学院 博士 师从陶文铨院士

20049月~20087 山东建筑大学 市政与环境工程学院 本科


20236月至今  我校 新澳门新葡萄娱乐  副教授

20172月~20235  我校  新澳门新葡萄娱乐 讲师

20087月~20107  山东贝斯特环境技术有限公司  环保工程师




1)国家自然科学基金(NO. 52106102):静稳天气下雾霾粒子热质耦合传递机理及其多尺度特性研究, 2022-01 2024-12在研,主持

2)上海市科委青年科技扬帆计划(NO.18YF1417600):城市大气污染物扩散传递多尺度问题的风洞实验及数值方法研究, 2018-05 2021-04结题,主持

3)国家自然科学基金(NO. 42277477: 基于机动车诱导湍流耦合道路绿化/导流结构的城市街谷污染物扩散精准调控机理研究, 2023-012026-12在研,参与

4)上海市科委科技行动创新计划(NO. 20dz1204008: 基于街谷尺度和微观流场模型的精细化污染模拟技术研究,2020-092023-08结题,参与









4)崔鹏义;罗杨. 信息化背景下教学空间重构推动教学变革的探索与实践[J],中国教育技术装备,2024.8,


王冠;黄远东;李飞鹏;崔鹏义;闻海峰;周海东. 环境监测课程思政教育教学的探索与实践[J].高教学刊, 2022,8(04):176-179.



(1) Peng-Yi Cui, Feng Yang, Jia-Qi Wang, Wei-Qiu Chen, Yuan-Dong Huang*,Wen-Quan Tao. Numerical studies on Re-independence and influence region definition for flow and dispersion within street-indoor scale model. Building and Environment, 229 (2023) 109949.

(2) Peng-Yi Cui, Rong Ji, Lai He, Zhen Zhang, Yang Luo, Yong Yang, Yuan-Dong Huang*. Influence of GI configurations and wall thermal effects on flow structure and pollutant dispersion within urban street canyons. Building and Environment 243 (2023) 110646.

(3) Chung Hyok Sin, Peng‑Yi Cui*, Kwang Song Jon, Yang Luo, Jiao‑Wen Shen, Yuan‑dong Huang*. Evaluation on ventilation and traffic pollutant dispersion in asymmetric street canyons with void decks. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health (2023) 16:817–839.

(4) Jiaowen Shen, Pengyi Cui, Yuandong Huang*, Yiping Wu, Yang Luo, Chung Hyok Sin, Jie Guan. New insights on precise regulation of pollutant distribution inside a street canyon by different vegetation planting patterns. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2023) 30:63148–63174.

(5) Chung Hyok Sin, Peng-Yi Cui, Yang Luo, Kwang Song Jon, Yuan-dong Huang *. CFD modeling on the canyon ventilation and pollutant exposure in asymmetric street canyons with continuity/discontinuity balconies. Atmospheric Pollution Research 14 (2023) 101641.

(6) Kwang Song Jon, Yuan‑dong Huang, Chung Hyok Sin, Peng‑yi Cui, Yang Luo*. Influence of wind direction on the ventilation and pollutant dispersion in different 3D street canyon configurations: numerical simulation and wind‑tunnel experiment. Environ Sci Pollut Res 30, 31647–31675 (2023).

(7) Kwang Song Jon, Yang Luo, Chung Hyok Sin, Peng-yi Cui, Yuan-dong Huang*, Jun Tokgo. Impacts of wind direction on the ventilation and pollutant dispersion of 3D street canyon with balconies. Building and Environment 230 (2023) 110034.

(8) Peng-Yi Cui*, Jia-Qi Wang , Feng Yang, Qing-Xia Zhao, Yuan-Dong Huang,*, Yong Yang and Wen-Quan Tao. Effects of Radiant Floor Heating Integrated with Natural Ventilation on Flow and Dispersion in a Newly Decorated Residence. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 16889.

(9) Peng-Yi Cui, Wei-Qiu Chen, Jia-Qi Wang, Jin-Hao Zhang, Yuan-Dong Huang*, Wen-Quan Tao. Numerical studies on issues of Re-independence for indoor airflow and pollutant dispersion within an isolated building. BUILD SIMUL (2022) 15: 1259–1276.

(10) Jiao‑Wen Shen, Peng‑Yi Cui*, Yuan‑Dong Huang, Yang Luo, Jie Guan. New insights into quantifying deposition and aerodynamic characteristics of PM 2.5 removal by different tree leaves. Air Qual Atmos Health 15, 1341–1356 (2022).

(11) Yuan‑dong Huang, Su‑qi Ren, Nuo Xu, Yang Luo, Chung Hyok Sin, Peng‑Yi Cui*. Impacts of specific street geometry on airflow and traffic pollutant dispersion inside a street canyon. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health (2022) 15:1133–1152.

(12) Yuchen Liu, Yuandong Huang, Zhen Zhang, Kexin Wang, Yang Luo, Pengyi Cui*. Impacts of green walls on the characteristics of thermo-flow and photochemical reaction kinetics within street canyons. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 72 (2022) 127568.

(13) Peng-Yi Cui, Yan Zhang, Wei-Qiu Chen, Jin-Hao Zhang, Yang Luo, Yuan-Dong Huang*, Wind-tunnel studies on the characteristics of indoor/outdoor airflow and pollutant exchange in a building cluster. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics 214 (2021) 104645.

(14) Yuan-Dong Huang, Nuo Xu, Su-Qi Ren, Li-Bing Qian, Peng-Yi Cui*. Numerical investigation of the thermal effect on flow and dispersion of rooftop stack emissions with wind tunnel experimental validations. Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2021) 28:11618–11636.

(15) Peng-Yi Cui, Jin-Hao Zhang, Yi-Ping Wu, Yan Zhang, Jia-Zheng Zhou, Yang Luo, Yuan-Dong Huang. Wind-tunnel measurements and LES simulations of air pollutant dispersion caused by fire-induced buoyancy plume inside two parallel street canyons. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 140 (2020) 151–169.

(16) Xiao-Tian Huang, Yuan-Dong Huang, Nuo Xu, Yang Luo, Peng-Yi Cui*. Thermal effects on the dispersion of rooftop stack emission in the wake of a tall building within suburban areas by wind-tunnel experiments. Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics 205 (2020) 104295.

(17) Shuo Ding, Yuandong Huang, Pengyi Cui, Jian Wu, Mengzhen Li, Dantong Liu*. Impact of viaduct on flow reversion and pollutant dispersion in 2D urban street canyon with different roof shapes - Numerical simulation and

wind tunnel experiment. Science of the Total Environment 671 (2019) 976–991.

(18) Yuan-dong Huang, Meng-zhen Li, Su-qi Ren, Meng-jie Wang, Peng-yi Cui. Impacts of tree-planting pattern and trunk height on the airflow and pollutant dispersion inside a street canyon. Building and Environment 165 (2019).

(19) Yuan-Dong Huang*, Ren-Wei Hou, Ze-Yu Liu, Ye Song, Peng-Yi Cui, Chang-Nyung Kim. Effects of Wind Direction on the Airflow and Pollutant Dispersion inside a Long Street Canyon. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 19: 1152–1171, 2019.

(20) Peng-Yi Cui, Yan Zhang, Jin-Hao Zhang, Yuan-Dong Huang, Wen-Quan Tao. Application and numerical error analysis of multiscale method for air flow, heat and pollutant transfer through different scale urban areas. Building and Environment 149 (2019) 349–365.

(21) Pengyi CuiZhuo LiWenquan Tao*Numerical investigations on Re-independence for the turbulent flow and pollutant dispersion under the urban boundary layer with some experimental validationsInternational journal of heat and mass transfer2016.09.01106422~436

(22) Pengyi CuiZhuo LiWenquan Tao*Buoyancy flows and pollutant dispersion through different scale urban areas: CFD simulations and wind-tunnel measurements.Building and Environment2016.04.3010476~91

(23) Pengyi CuiZhuo LiWenquan Tao*Wind-tunnel measurements for thermal effects on the air flow and pollutant dispersion through different scale urban areasBuilding and Environment2015.12.1597137~151

The 2016 Best Paper Award for a Young Author from journal Building and Environment.

以上论文获得国际期刊《Building and Environment》评选的2016年度最佳青年作者论文奖。

(24) Pengyi CuiZhuo LiWenquan Tao*Investigation of Re-independence of turbulent flow and pollutant dispersion in urban street canyon using Numerical Wind Tunnel (NWT) models.International journal of heat and mass transfer2014.08.2379176~188



















[1] 崔鹏义;王可心;宋书银;丁怡;罗杨;黄远东. 一种模块化多功能线源模拟系统, 我校,发明专利,


[2] Cui Pengyi, Yang Feng, Wang Jiaqi, Wu Yiping, Shen Jiaowen, Luo Yang, Huang Yuandong. Multifunctional porous material air duct platform. 国际发明专利,授权号:2022/11484,南非专利局.
